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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Health Laws

In Leviticus 11 the health laws are outlined from God.  Disobeying these laws is not a sin or a judgment against you but rather rules to keep you healthy.  God created these flesh bodies and in doing so He knows what will or will not make them sick.  The basic rule is to not eat scavengers which makes sense since God put them on this earth as natural garbage disposals, so why would we want that in our bodies?  Some believe that when Christ died He abolished these laws, but that is silly since nothing in our bodies changed at that time. {what was Nailed To The Cross}

I Timothy 4:3  Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

First, don't judge anyone in marriage or in what they eat.  Second, note that the Scripture states "created to be received"...God did not create scavengers for example to be received as stipulated in Leviticus 11.  I Timothy 4 goes on to talk about all God's creation are good and they are just that....good for the purposes for which He created them (scavengers, again just for example, clean up the earth and are very necessary for their designed purposes).  It's your choice what you eat.  God's guidance is to keep you healthy both in spirit and flesh.  

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