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Monday, November 9, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015

Christ's Time In Great Britain

There is a gap in Scriptures accounting for Christ's time here on earth. A fascinating and well documented history of those times is put forth in this documentary done by E. Raymond Capt. Rather than typing out this information, here is the link for you to watch this documentary for yourself.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Jacob's Pillar ... The Coronation Stone

from E. Raymond Capt's Jacob's Pillar (no date corrections made):

The Coronation Stone that reposes in St. Edward's Chapel in Britain's sacred Abbey of Westminster has stirred men's imaginations for centuries. In light of Bible history no other inanimate object on earth has been given such honored use and glorious purpose as that given to this block of sandstone known as the "Stone of Destiny". What is its origin? What enshrines it with an importance far beyond its intrinsic value?

In his essay on "Certain Monuments of Antiquity", Weaver says (p. 118): "It appears that the Irish kings, from very ancient times until A.D. 513, were crowned upon a particular sacred stone called 'Liath Fail', 'the Stone of Destiny', that, so also, were the Scottish kings until the year 1296, when Edward I of England brought it here. And it is a curious fact that this stone has not only remained in England unto now, and is existing still under the coronation chair of our British sovereigns in Westminster Abbey, but that all our kings, from James I, have been crowned in that chair. This being a fact so curious, we shall quote its particulars in a note taken from Toland, in his 'History of the Druids' (pp. 137-9)."

Toland's statement is this: "The Fatal Stone (Liag Fail) so called, was the stone on which the supreme kings of Ireland used to be inaugurated, in time of heathenism on the hill of Tarah; it was superstitiously sent to confirm the Irish colony in the north of Great Britain, where it was continued as the coronoation seat of the Scottish kings ever since Christianity; til in the year 1300 (1296 A.D.). Edward I, of England brought it from Scone, placing it under the coronation chair at Wesetminister and there it still continues. I had almost forgot to tell you that it is now called by the vulgar, Jacob's stone as if this had been Jacob's pillow at Bethel!".

Dean Stanely, one-time custodian of the Stone, in h is book "Memorials of Westminster Abbey", sums up its historical importance in these words; "It is the one primevel monument which binds together the whole Empire. The iron rings, the battered surface, the crack which has all but rent its solid mass asunder, bear witness of the English monarchy -- an element of poetic, patriarchal, heathen times, which, like Araunah's rocky threshing floor in the midst of the Temple of Solomon, carries back our thoughts to races and customs now almost extinct; a link which unites the Throne of England to the traditions of Tara and Iona" (2nd Edit. pg. 66).

In appearance the rugged surface of the Stone of Destiny ll-purplish color, varying somewhat, and with some reddish veins. It is composed of calcareous sandstone and imbedded in it are a few pebbles; one of quartz and two others of a dark material (porhyrite or andesite?). Its shape is roughly "pillow-like" being about 26" in length; 16: in. width, and 10 1/2' in depth. Across its surface runs a crack and some chisel-marks are still visible on one or two sides. It appears to have been in the process of being prepared for building purposes, but was discarded before being finished. There are two large iron rings (of some rust resistant alloy), one at each end of the stone which hang loosely from eyes, made of similar metal let into the Stone.

The rings in the ends of the Stone would indicate that porter poles were once used to transport the Stone. At first, it would appear as if two poles were used, one of them passed through the ring at each end, so that four persons would be required to carry it. However, when turned up, these rings protrude above the top of the stone, enabling one pole to be passed through both rings across the top of the Stone, theoretically allowing it to be carried by only two persons.

In preparation for King George V's coronation, the Stone was temporarily removed from the Coronation Chair, and a photograph was taken of it. This photograph disclosed that a groove runs right across the stone from ring to ring. From its appearance this groove was not cut, but was clearly the result of friction from a single pole being passed across from ring to ring. Such an indentation and wearing away of material indicates the enormous amount of carrying that the Stone was subjected to. If, as it appears, a single pole was used, because of the weight of the Stone (about 336 pounds) it is probable that more than two persons actually carried the Stone. Yoke-like cross beams could have been attached to both ends of the pole for the convenience of two or more persons at each of the pole.

British, Scotch and Irish records of the Stone of Destiny locate it at Tara, Ireland (some five centuries before Christ), from where it was transported to Scotland in circa A.D. 498 by Fergus the Great. From there it was taken to Iona circa A.D. 563; then to Dunstaffnage from where it was removed to Scone, near Perth, Scotland. Finally it was moved, by Edward I, to Westminister Abbey, London in A.D. 1296. Thus, from Tara to Westminster, covering over 1800 years of history, it was never carried to any appreciable extent. The mere removal from these places could not account for the wearing away of the Stone that was evidently caused by the friction of a pole used in constant carrying. This must have been the result of many months of continuous carrying, prior to its arrival in Tara. The story of its journeying from Bethel, in the time of Jacob, and its accompanying the children of Isael in the Wilderness, would account for its present condition.

One of the most significant facts about the Coronation Stone is that no similar rock formation exists in the British Isles. Professor Totten, the eminent professor of Science at Yale University, after making a thorough examination of the Stone made the following statement: "The analysis of the stone shows that there are absolutely no quarries in Scone or Iona where-from a block so constituted could possibly have come, nor yet from Tara". Professor Odlum, a geologist (and Professor of Theology at an Ontario University), also made microscopic examinations of the Coronation Stone, comparing it to similar stone from Scotland (including Iona and the quarries of Ireland) and found them dissimilar.

Professor Odlum became tremendously interested in the Stone. He was intrigued with the idea that perhaps its source could be found in Palestine, as suggested by the ancient records of Ireland. Determined to make the search, and after several weeks of unsuccessful exploration, Odlum discovered a stratum of sandstone near the Red Sea at Bethel, geologically the same as the Coronation Stone. Relating the circumstances of the discovery to a friend upon his return to Britain, the Professor stated:

"I put on my old mackintosh, I stuck my geologist's hammer in my pocket, and I went out for one last look. It was pouring rain. I walked along the same places I had walked over and over again, looking for stone. Suddenly, while I was walking along a certain pathway, with a rocky cliff on either side, the sun shone on the rain-streaked piece of rock, and I noticed a peculiar sort of glitter that I thought I recognized. I climbed up, and I found that wet rock, as far as I could see with the magnifying glass I had, was the identical texture I had been looking for." I chipped off a piece from the living rock. I took it back to the hotel and examined it as well as I could. I was sure I had got what I wanted".

Although a microscopic test of the sample Bethel stone matched perfectly with the same test made of the Coronation Stone, the Professor wanted to make chemical tests of both stones, to dispel all doubts as to the source of Britain's treasured relic. To save time, Odlum cabled a geologist friend in England and said: "Will you do all you possibly can to get a piece of the Coronation Stone no bigger than a pea, in order that we may submit it to a chemical test." The geologist friend made application to the Dean of Westminster Abbey to be allowed to take a piece, no bigger than a pea, from the Coronation Stone. The Dean said: "I daren't let  you have permission. The only way  you can get permission would be from the Archbishop of Canterbury."

Application was made to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and this was the reply of the Archbishop: "To take a piece from that stone no bigger than a pea would require a special Act of Parliament to be passed by the House of Commons, endorsed by the House of Lords and signed by the King; and if you get that," said the Archbishop, "I won't give you permission."

For more information on the Coronation Stone and the full practice of coronation to this day, reference Jacob's Pillar by E. Raymond Capt. Note that the lions is representative of the Tribe of Judah and is found on the coronation throne containing the Stone of Scone. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Throne of David

Christ came as our Savior in the first advent, but has not yet returned as our King to sit on the Throne of David in the second advent still yet to come. In the meantime, His promise to David that God would establish the throne of his kingdom forever is still very much in effect today. II Samuel 7:11-17 & Luke 1:31-33

The examination of the Throne of David post Babylonian Captivity in 477 BC is wonderfully detailed in E. Raymond Capt's book Jacob's Pillar. Some highlights for your understanding are below:

Judah's twin sons by Tamar were Pharez and Zarah. Zarah was the one who had a scarlet thread tied upon his hand showing he was first even though his brother came out fully first (Genesis 38). Their genealogy can be traced both prior to and following the Assyrian and Babylonian Captivities. The sons of Pharez were Hezron and Hamul. The sons of Zerah were Zimri, Ethan, Heman (or Herman), Calcol (or Chalcol), and Dara (or Darda) (I Chronicles 2:5-6 & I Kings 4:31).

from Jacob's Pillar by E. Raymond Capt (no date corrections made):

An examination of some of the historical clues reveals that Darda, "the Egyptian", (son of Zarah) was "Dardanus", the Egyptian founder of Troy: "Hecataeus, therefore, tells us that the Egyptians, formerly, being troubled by clamities, in order that the divine wrath might be averted, expelled all the aliens gathered together in Egypt. Of these, some, under their leaders Danus and Cadmus, migrated to Greece" (Fragmenta Historicorum, by Muller; vol. II, pg. 385 - copied from the works of Hecataeus of Abdera, fourth-century B.C. Greek historian).

The "clamities" referred to were obviously the plagues which God brought down of the Egyptians, and the "aliens" were the Israelites, some of whom migrated to Greece with Danus and Cadmus, while others, under the leadership of Moses, made their exodus to the Wilderness of Sinai.

Diodorus gives us another version of the same story: "Now the Egyptians say that also after these events a great number of colonies were spread from Egypt all over the inhabited world...They say also that those who set forth with Danaus, likewise from Egypt, settled what is practically the oldest city of Greece, Argos, and that the nations of the Colchi in Pontus and that of the Jews (remnant of Judah), which lies between Arabia and Syria, were founded as colonies by certain emigrants from their country; and this is the reason why it is a long-established institution among these peoples to circumcise their male children, the custom having been brought over from Egypt. Even the Athenians, they say, are colonists from Sais in Egypt" (Diodorus of Sicily, by G.H. Oldfather, 1933, vol 1, bks 1-11, 1-34 pg. 91).

The descendants of Darda ruled ancient Troy for some hundreds of years, until the city was destroyed in the famous "Siege of Troy". Aeneas, the last of the royal blood, (Zarah-Judah), collected the remnants of his nation and traveled with them to Italy. There he married the daughter of Latinus, king of the Latins and subsequently founded the great Roman Empire. Aeneas' son (or grandson) Brutus, with a large party of the Trojans, migrated to Malta, and there was advised to re-establish his people in "the Great White Island" (an early name for Britain due to its chalk cliffs). This advice is recorded in an archaic Greek form on the Temple of Diana in Caer Troia (New Troy). An historic stone still stands in the town of Totnes, on the shores at Torbay, commemorating his coming (Circa 1103 B.C.). Brutus then made contact with his kindred blood in Britain and built for himself a new capital city to which he gave the name "Caer Troia", or New Troy. The Romans later called it "Londinium", now known as London.

The actual date of the founding of London is suggested in Welsh bardic literature: "And when Brutus had finished the building of the city, and had strengthened it with walls and castles, he consecrated them and made inflexible laws for the governance of such as should dwell there peacefully, and he put protection on the city and granted privilege to it. At this time, Beli the Priest ruled in Judea, and the Ark of the Covenant was in captivity to the Philistines" (The Welsh Bruts).

The reference in the above quotation to Beli the Priest, is obviously of Eli of the first book of Samuel. Such remote prehistorical antiquity of the site of London is confirmed by numerous archaeological remains found there, not only of the New Stone and Early Bronze Ages, but even of the Old Stone Age, thus indicating that it was already of settlement at the time when Brutus selected it for the site of his new capital of "New Troy".

According to "The Harmsworth Encylopaedia", Cecrops ("Calcol" of I Chron. 2:6 and "Chalcol" of I Kings 4:31, and brother of Darda) was the mythical founder of Athens and its first king. He was thought to have been originally a leader of a band of colonists from Egypt. Dr. R.G. Latham, the ethnologist, asserts: "Neither do I think that the eponymus of the Argive Danai was other than that of the Israelite tribe of Dan; only we are so used to confine ourselves to the soil of Palestine in our consideration of the history of the Israelites, that we treat them as they were 'adscripti glebae' and ignored the share they may have taken in the ordinary history of the world" (Ethnology in Europe, 1852, pg. 37).

Historical records tell of the westward migration of the descendants of "Calcol" along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, establishing Iberian (Hebrew) trading settlements. One settlement now called "Saragossa", in the Ebro Valley in Spain, was originally known as "Zarah-gassa", meaning the "The Stronghold of Zarah". From Spain they continued westward as far as Ireland. The Iberians gave their name to Ireland, calling the island "Iberne" which was later abbreviated to "Erne", and subsequently Latinised to "Hibernia", a name that still adheres to Ireland.

Note that in pre-Exodus days Abraham's descendants were still called by their more ancient name "Hebrews: (See Exodus 2, 6, 13, etc.) or "Heberites" (Num. 25:45), being descended from "Heber" (spelled "Eber" in N.T. Scripture). Heber was Noah's great-great-grandson, and the great-great-great-great-grandfather of Abram or Abraham. Thus, the "Hibernians" or "Iberians" who came to Ireland about 1700 B.C. were undoubtedly Hebrews descended from Abraham through Judah's son Zarah and grandson Calcol. Later history records that these people grew considerably and expanded into Scotland.

For a thorough study of the Hebrew/Israelite migrations of pre-Exodus, post-Exodus, pre and post Captivities and the lands they settled, see the full story in Capt's various books on the matter.

Let's now skip ahead to how David's seed line made their way from Jerusalem to mix with Zarah's seed line in Ireland and then later made their way to Great Britain.

Ezekiel 21:23-27 And it shall be unto them as a false divination in their sight, to them that have sworn oaths: but He will call to remembrance the iniquity, that they may be taken." Therefore thus saith the Lord God; "Because ye have made your iniquity to be remembered, in that your transgressions are discovered, so that in all your doings your sins do appear; because, I say, that ye are come to remembrance, ye shall be taken with the hand. And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end," Thus saith the Lord God; "Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until He come Whose right it is; and I will give it to Him."

This prophecy in Ezekiel deals with the consequence of the corruption of the House of Israel and it's corrupt kings in that they would be taken into captivity. It further stipulates that He will overturn the crown of the Throne of David three times before it is worn by our one true King, Jesus. So, let's discuss these overturns as they have already occurred. Capt very succinctly outlines these overturns in his book Jacob's Pillar, pages 29-56, excerpts of which are below.

First Overturn Destruction of Jerusalem to Tara in Ireland in 477 BC by Jeremiah (the prophet, also known as Ollam Fodhla), King Zedekiah's two daughters (Pharaoh's daughters & Baruch (Jeremiah's scribe)).

Jeremiah traveled to Tara, Ireland at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem taking with him King Zedekiah's two daughters. Even though David's king line was thought to be perished with Zedekiah and his sons, it was instead preserved through his daughters who escaped capture alongside the prophet Jeremiah seeking refuge with their already settled kin in Ireland. The resulting marriages and kingships was the overturn from Jerusalem to Ireland.

Second Overturn From Ireland to Scotland about AD 500 when (at the request of the Scots) the King of Ireland (Muircheartach, son of Earc, of the race of Eiremhon) sends the stone to his brother who was then inaugurated the 1st king of Scotland (Fergus MorMcErc, "Fergus the great", son of Earc).

In a following post we'll delve into the Coronation Stone that is still in use by the Throne of David today. It was that very pillar of Jacob that was used for the House of Israel and carried from Jerusalem to Ireland with Jeremiah. The second overturn was when that Stone of Scone passed from Ireland to Scotland in continued practice of coronation of Judah's kings.

Third Overturn From Scotland to England in AD 1296 with Edward I of England (about AD 1320 were the conflicts between Edward II of England and Robert the Bruce of Scotland). King James VI of Scotland became James I of England...."the present Royal House of Britain is descended from the Scottish kings, through Queen Elizabeth of Bohemia, the daughter of James VI, whose daughter Sophia married the Elector of Hanover; their son became Britain's King George I.

For a more thorough understanding of these overturns and the full genealogy of the Tribes of Israel, read Capt's historical studies. The Works of E. Raymond Capt The genealogy chart for the king line below: