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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Abrahamic Covenant

In Genesis 17, you can read about the Abrahamic Covenant where God promised Abraham to be the father of many nations. Abraham's seed line would be the protected seed line for which Christ would come in the flesh. This was an everlasting covenant that was not based on conditions. Abraham's seed line from which he came was perfect in that there was no mixing with fallen angels to taint from that which Christ would be borne.

The book, Abrahamic Covenant by E. Raymond Capt is a study outline of the identity of God's people. It is a source that in its short 48 pages says more than any other source I have read outside of Capt's more extensive writings on the topic, and one I have read through more than a hand full of times. It can be purchased online or through The Shepherd's Chapel, and is a great jumping off point for delving into the history, scatterings, and true genealogy of God's people and how the Covenant is very much still being upheld today. The truth is fascinating and not something talked about the way in which it should.

For a free e-version of this book, I found this https://www.scribd.com/doc/9168445/Abrahamic-Covenant-E-Raymond-Capt ... know that I haven't done a comparison to my copy, or know anything about the site in which it is located. 

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