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Friday, August 7, 2015

Very Effective Living

A brief interlude from study to share Posts from my Very Effective Living Blog (http://veryeffectiveliving.blogspot.com/) and suggest that both blogs walk hand in hand with living God's Word and instruction. If you haven't yet visited the site, please click over and give it a look. I have the two separate sites so not to intertwine my personal life experiences with that of the study of God's Word in one place. However, my perspective on the Very Effective Living Blog definitely stems from my understanding and following of God's Word and His very detailed instructions to us on how to live and serve Him.

Seek & You Shall Find

So here's an interesting thought: Do you "seek" love or do you just "want" love? Huh? Well, look at it this way...Jesus is available to us at any time, but He isn't going to knock the door down as He has instructed us the "if" in the relationship is that we have to act by seeking, knocking. Whatever situation you find yourself in, do you lament it and just desire it, or do you consider it and then act on it...for it? Perhaps it's not something to seek or act on once considered, so the consideration of any situation is the necessary first step whether it be work, friends, family, intimate relationship. After careful consideration of situation, desires, wants, needs, motives, then action is required. Waiting around to be served is never going to serve you well. Appropriate, positive forward motion in action however will. Seeking someone or something out involves healthy boundaries, impeccability with ones word, and not being just about self in application of the Golden Rule to successfully achieve any kind of desired outcome. 

What Is Discernment?

Discernment is the ability to decide between truth and error, right or wrong. To use discernment about a situation or a person is to observe and assess what is real from what is false, what is okay and what is not okay. Discernment is not "judgment" but judging the particulars to decide if it is real or false. Judgment of someone or something is the negative action tantamount to gossip or condemnation. Who are you to judge or criticize another? Usually in one's "judgment" of another, they are truly judging what is wrong within themselves. Listening to someone's judgmental "opinions" tells you a lot about that individual....and that my friends is discernment.

Your life's journey is not about who you were yesterday or who you wish you are today/tomorrow, but rather about how and who you are evolving into moment by moment. Very Effective Living offers thoughtful and insightful tips on being your own Life Coach! Embrace you every day, and acknowledge the good with the bad. Be happy with where you are in the present and you will arrive with much more ease at your destinations in the future.

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