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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

90 Day KJV Bible Notes

As mentioned yesterday, I am reading through the Bible in 90 days based on this schedule 90 Day Bible Schedule. I will be posting highlighted notes as I go. These will not be complete or detailed, just promptings for your further contemplation and future in depth studies which I will get to dissecting out for you ongoing . Where applicable to topic, I will insert links to past in depth pass throughs of certain subjects in the meantime. This is a life long work, as the Bible is many layers and many depths to uncover, discover, study, and relay.

I am running a bit behind in typing out Day 1 notes, so bare with me as I get on track with working this project into my daily work. Note, that some Days, chapters, verses will not be as detailed as others or as lengthy. It will just depend on the content of such and whether beyond a future deeper study of the material I feel any pointers for thought are needed at this time.

To reiterate:  I am no one. I do not claim to be better or wiser than anyone. I completely profess to be a student of God's Word and am only looking to share knowledge that I have gleamed from deep study in God's Word over the past 25 years. I fully acknowledge that the understanding and knowledge that I have obtained is a blessing from God in providing me with teachers and tools over the years to lead me to a greater understanding of His Word. I completely adhere to the statement that: For Everything that I am and Everything that I am yet to be, I owe to God! Thanks always be to Him!!! Only through God's direction and guidance am I sharing this with you. Whether you dig into God's Word to prove me wrong or to prove me right, it makes no difference as long as you are digging into God's Word and arriving at a deeper understanding of Him and His path for you! 

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